

Financing at BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions Poland alternative fuel vehicles with subsidies from the polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management

On December 30, 2021, BNP Paribas Leasing Services signed a cooperation agreement with BOŚ Bank, which is the operator in the program called “Mój Elektryk”.

Financing of electric cars with governmental subsidies by leasing is intended to support and activate sales of electric cars in Poland and thanks to this we will reduce the emission of air pollutants.

Leasing subsidies may, in particular, apply to zero-emission new vehicles:

  • category M1 vehicles – passenger cars for the transport of max. 8 people
  • category N1 vehicles – delivery vehicles up to 3.5 t

Subsidy is treated as down-payment for car financing and can amount up to EUR 5,9K per car (for M1) and up to EUR 15,3K per car (for N1).

One of our strategy is to build awareness “Green assets” financing business development.

As a company that cares about environmental protection we wanted to participate in this program to make effective promoting BPLS as a market leader in “green change” financing and increase the number of transactions and benefit level in alternative fuel vehicles financing segment, and this program is a perfect example of sustainability deal.

In achieving our goal, we will certainly be helped by automotive vendors in Personal Finance with whom we cooperate on a daily basis and who offer cars that meet the program’s criteria.

We ensured that our front-end Ratatu system is adapted to the easy collecting the applications for subsidies from Clients, which give us possibility to their effective processing in accordance with the requirements of the program.

The budget of the program for entrepreneurs has been set at EUR 90M for non-returnable forms of financing.

We know that this is a very attractive offer for prospect and current customers.

The program is scheduled until 2026.

Uwolnij potencjał swojej firmy

Dowiedz się, jak możemy pomóc zwiększyć sprzedaż, podnieść satysfakcję Klientów i wspierać Twoje cele w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju.

Gotów, by stać się częścią zmian?

Odkryj, w jaki sposób kariera w BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions może napędzić Twój rozwój zawodowy i umożliwić Ci wywieranie pozytywnego wpływu.

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